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November 7, 2007
7:00 p.m.
1130 Main Street
Holden Senior Center


Members Present: Anthony Costello, Robert Lowell, Matt Kennedy, Michael Scott and Ken Strom

Members Absent: Leonard Anderson, Nancy Rocheleau

Staff Present: Pamela Harding, Teresa McIntyre

Others: Clealand Blair Jr., Dan Hazen, Toni Mandel, Dorisann Heininger, George Kiritsy, Stephen Puffer, Denis Mclaughlin, Brenda Prachniak, Diane Lyons, Paul Killian, Ted Pickering

The meeting began at 7:00 PM.

NOTICE OF INTENT - Wachusett Woods - Amendment to Drywells - Carl Hultgren of Quinn Engineering continued his presentation from last meeting, outlining an alternative to the individual drywells originally specified.  The plan consists of making several depressions throughout the subdivision, thereby spreading out the recharge area.  Also submitted to the Board was a change in Lots 15 - 25.  The new plan dictates a smaller footprint per lot as well as drive-under garages.  This plan reduces the impervious area by 200 square feet per lot.  Each lot would have rain gardens with swales being utilized to direct overland flow.  Discussion ensued regarding the maintenance of these areas and what deed restrictions would be necessary.  It was determined that the rain gardens and easements would be maintained by the homeowner.  Deed restrictions would be required to make sure the swales would not be filled in.  An amendment stating this would be made to the existing permit.  R. Lowell made a motion to modify the Order of Conditions to delineate the proposed changes.  M. Scott seconded.  All in favor.  Next, M. Scott made a motion asking to modify the Notice of Intent applications for lots 15 - 25.  K. Strom seconded. All in favor.

NOTICE OF INTENT - Stoney Brook - Letter received from peer review with 75% of the questions answered.  P. Harding raised concern regarding the remark referring to comment #15.  Discussion ensued concerning the drainage issues addressed in this comment.  After much discussion,  it was suggested by the Board that a drop inlet be used for Lot 65/Lot 66 to prevent the ponding issue.  George Kiritsy, a lawyer representing the applicant, addressed several notations made in the Graves letter.  He felt, that in several instances, the notations were incorrect, and gave examples of where the calculations were shown to be correct.  His comments were noted by the Board.  He also remarked on a comment made under the Operation and Maintenance Plan.  Under Comment #71, it states that the words "use proper judgement" are not clear and should be clarified.  He questioned the Board as to what type of language would be preferred.  This was discussed at length. The Chairman finally stated that the Board needed a more definitive description of what will be done during construction.  The sentence, as it exists, is too vague.  The discussion continued with questions from the Board regarding what temporary measures the applicant would institute during construction and the frequency of their maintenance.  The Board will ask Graves to specify if the objection is to the language used, or to the lack of details.  The Board continued with a discussion regarding the use of detention basins and recharge ponds.  The applicant will prepare a plan regarding this issue and submit it to the Board.  The Chairman opened the meeting to receive questions from the public.  B. Pracniak voiced a concern regarding the use of proper judgment and questioned who will verify that the work is done according to what is specified.  The Chairman noted her concerns.  Discussion is to be continued at the December 5th meeting.

ANRAD - Salisbury Street - Heininger/Puffer - Site walk was done.  The peer review suggested that there were two potential vernal pools on the Puffer property.  It was suggested that these pools be viewed in the spring and that a determination not be made at this time.  P. Harding also noted that flags 1-27, on the Heininger parcel, were not reviewed as there will not be any development in that area.  The floor was opened to questions from the public.  D. McLoughlin stated that vernal pools must be revisited in the spring and that this issue should not be an impediment to progressing with the project.  Discussion continued regarding the two vernal pools.  P. Harding stated that the boundaries of the vernal pools were not verified.  And that a 200' buffer may exist around this perimeter which maybe required to be verified in the spring.  With no other concerns stated, M. Scott made a motion to issue the two ANRADS with the noted exceptions.  R. Lowell seconded.  All in favor.

Wingspan Estates - Applicants are working on road grade issues with the DPW and have requested a continuance to the December 5 meeting.

ANRAD - Pine Tree Lane - P. Harding read the legal ad stating the purpose before the Board.  D. McLaughlin proposed to the Board that a peer review be done and a site walk completed.  A. Costello raised some concerns regarding several wet areas.  Discussion ensued regarding these specific areas.  There was a concern that the road is too close to the isolated wetland by Bailey Road.  The Chairman requested a peer review and a site walk will be scheduled for next week.  Abutters will be notified of the site walk.  Discussion to be continued at the December 5th meeting.

Request for Determination of Applicability - 525 Main Street - E. Pickering, representing the owner, presented the proposal for ground water remediation at the site of a former gas station.  The proposal is for the installation of 6 wells using Geoprobe technology and the use of ferrous sulfate and hydrogen peroxide.  The Board requested some specifics as to how the chemicals would be transported and how the process was to be completed.  Motion was made to issue a negative determination of applicability by M. Scott.  R. Lowell seconded.  All in favor.

Conservation Restriction - Holden Hills Golf Course - P. Harding restated a recommendation from A. Costello stating that there should be an addition to the CR that would resolve conflicts in the interpretation of the CR.  The Town Counsel is currently working on this.  A. Costello also expressed concern regarding the monitoring of a CR.  Discussion by the Board ensued regarding who would monitor, what is restricted, what resource areas should be monitored, and what role the Conservation Commission plays in stewardship.  Further discussion followed as to whether Holden Hills would have to notify the Board if trees over 6 feet in height and 6 inches in diameter were to be cut or if any grading (change in elevation) resulting in the movement of more than 500 cubic feet of ground were to be done.  The Board unanimously agreed to make these amendments.

Bond Release - Brattle Street - Theodore Pappas - The Board requested to review the letter from T. Pappas' lawyer before releasing the bond.

Minutes - R. Lowell made a motion to approve the minutes with the condition to amend any motions made by M. Kennedy.  As Chairman, M. Kennedy cannot make a motion.  K. Strom seconded.  All in favor.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:22 PM.

The next meeting is scheduled for December 5, 2007.